


CocoaPods, the Objective-C library package manager.


The commands listed in this group provide support for installing and integrating the dependecies specified in a Podfile.

Following is presented the basic workflow for integrating CocoaPods in a user project.

$ touch Podfile
$ vim Podfile
$ pod install
$ open *.xcworkspace
$ vim podfile
$ pod install
$ pod outdated
$ pod update


pod install

pod update

pod outdated

pod help

pod install

pod install 

Downloads all dependencies defined in Podfile and creates an Xcode Pods library project in ./Pods.

The Xcode project file should be specified in your Podfile like this:

xcodeproj path/to/XcodeProject

If no xcodeproj is specified, then a search for an Xcode project will be made. If more than one Xcode project is found, the command will raise an error.

This will configure the project to reference the Pods static library, add a build configuration file, and add a post build script to copy Pod resources.



Leave SCM dirs like .git' and.svn' intact after downloading.


Skip integration of the Pods libraries in the Xcode project(s).


Skip running pod repo update before install.

Inherited options:


Show nothing.


Show the version of CocoaPods.


Show output without color.


Show more debugging information.


Show help banner of specified command.

pod update

pod update 

Update outdated project dependencies



Leave SCM dirs like .git' and.svn' intact after downloading.


Skip integration of the Pods libraries in the Xcode project(s).


Skip running pod repo update before install.

Inherited options:


Show nothing.


Show the version of CocoaPods.


Show output without color.


Show more debugging information.


Show help banner of specified command.

pod outdated

pod outdated 

Shows the outdated pods in the current Podfile.lock, but only those from spec repos, not those from local/external sources or :head versions.



Skip running pod repo update before install.

Inherited options:


Show nothing.


Show the version of CocoaPods.


Show output without color.


Show more debugging information.


Show help banner of specified command.

pod help

pod help [COMMAND]

Show help for the given command.

Inherited options:


Show nothing.


Show the version of CocoaPods.


Show output without color.


Show more debugging information.


Show help banner of specified command.

pod list

pod list 

Lists all available pods.



Run pod repo update before listing.

Inherited options:


Show nothing.


Show the version of CocoaPods.


Show output without color.


Show more debugging information.


Show help banner of specified command.

pod list new

pod list new 

Lists pods introduced in the master spec-repo since the last check

Inherited options:


Run pod repo update before listing.


Show nothing.


Show the version of CocoaPods.


Show output without color.


Show more debugging information.


Show help banner of specified command.

pod podfile-info

pod podfile-info [PODFILE_PATH]

Shows information on installed Pods in current Project. If optional PODFILE_PATH provided, the info will be shown for that specific Podfile



Show information about all Pods with dependencies that are used in a project.


Output information in Markdown format.

Inherited options:


Show nothing.


Show the version of CocoaPods.


Show output without color.


Show more debugging information.


Show help banner of specified command.

pod spec create

pod spec create [ NAME | https://github.com/USER/REPO ]

Creates a PodSpec, in the current working dir, called NAME.podspec. If a GitHub url is passed the spec is prepopulated.

Inherited options:


Show nothing.


Show the version of CocoaPods.


Show output without color.


Show more debugging information.


Show help banner of specified command.

pod spec lint

pod spec lint [ NAME.podspec | DIRECTORY | http://PATH/NAME.podspec, ... ]

Validates NAME.podspec. If a directory is provided it validates the podspec files found, including subfolders. In case the argument is omitted, it defaults to the current working dir.



Lint skips checks that would require to download and build the spec.


Lint validates even if warnings are present.


Lint leaves the build directory intact for inspection.

Inherited options:


Show nothing.


Show the version of CocoaPods.


Show output without color.


Show more debugging information.


Show help banner of specified command.

pod spec cat

pod spec cat [ NAME ]

Prints NAME.podspec to standard output.



Pick from all versions of the given podspec.

Inherited options:


Show nothing.


Show the version of CocoaPods.


Show output without color.


Show more debugging information.


Show help banner of specified command.

pod spec which

pod spec which [ NAME ]

Prints the path of NAME.podspec



Print all versions of the given podspec.

Inherited options:


Show nothing.


Show the version of CocoaPods.


Show output without color.


Show more debugging information.


Show help banner of specified command.

pod spec edit

pod spec edit [ NAME ]

Opens NAME.podspec to be edited.



Pick which spec to edit from all available versions of the given podspec.

Inherited options:


Show nothing.


Show the version of CocoaPods.


Show output without color.


Show more debugging information.


Show help banner of specified command.

pod push

pod push REPO [NAME.podspec]

Validates NAME.podspec or *.podspec in the current working dir, creates a directory and version folder for the pod in the local copy of REPO (~/.cocoapods/repos/[REPO]), copies the podspec file into the version directory, and finally it pushes REPO to its remote.



Allows pushing even if there are warnings.


Does not perform the step of pushing REPO to its remote.

Inherited options:


Show nothing.


Show the version of CocoaPods.


Show output without color.


Show more debugging information.


Show help banner of specified command.

pod repo add

pod repo add NAME URL [BRANCH]

Clones URL in the local spec-repos directory at ~/.cocoapods/repos/. The remote can later be referred to by NAME.

Inherited options:


Show nothing.


Show the version of CocoaPods.


Show output without color.


Show more debugging information.


Show help banner of specified command.

pod repo update

pod repo update [NAME]

Updates the local clone of the spec-repo NAME. If NAME is omitted this will update all spec-repos in ~/.cocoapods/repos.

Inherited options:


Show nothing.


Show the version of CocoaPods.


Show output without color.


Show more debugging information.


Show help banner of specified command.

pod repo lint

pod repo lint [ NAME | DIRECTORY ]

Lints the spec-repo NAME. If a directory is provided it is assumed to be the root of a repo. Finally, if NAME is not provided this will lint all the spec-repos known to CocoaPods.



Lint presents only the errors.

Inherited options:


Show nothing.


Show the version of CocoaPods.


Show output without color.


Show more debugging information.


Show help banner of specified command.

pod setup

pod setup 

Creates a directory at ~/.cocoapods which will hold your spec-repos. This is where it will create a clone of the public master spec-repo from:


If the clone already exists, it will ensure that it is up-to-date.



Use this option to enable push access once granted.

Inherited options:


Show nothing.


Show the version of CocoaPods.


Show output without color.


Show more debugging information.


Show help banner of specified command.

pod lib create

pod lib create [NAME]

Creates a new Pod with the given name from the template in the working directory.

Inherited options:


Show nothing.


Show the version of CocoaPods.


Show output without color.


Show more debugging information.


Show help banner of specified command.

pod lib lint

pod lib lint 

Validates the Pod using the files in the working directory.



Lint skips checks that would require to download and build the spec.


Lint validates even if warnings are present.


Lint leaves the build directory intact for inspection.

Inherited options:


Show nothing.


Show the version of CocoaPods.


Show output without color.


Show more debugging information.


Show help banner of specified command.

pod ipc repl

pod ipc repl 

The repl listens to commands on standard input and prints their result to standard output.

It accepts all the other ipc subcommands. The repl will signal the end of output with the the ASCII CR+LF \n\r.

Inherited options:


Show nothing.


Show the version of CocoaPods.


Show output without color.


Show more debugging information.


Show help banner of specified command.

pod ipc spec

pod ipc spec PATH

Converts a podspec to YAML and prints it to STDOUT.

Inherited options:


Show nothing.


Show the version of CocoaPods.


Show output without color.


Show more debugging information.


Show help banner of specified command.

pod ipc podfile

pod ipc podfile PATH

Converts a Podfile to YAML and prints it to STDOUT.

Inherited options:


Show nothing.


Show the version of CocoaPods.


Show output without color.


Show more debugging information.


Show help banner of specified command.

pod ipc list

pod ipc list 

Prints to STDOUT a YAML dictionary where the keys are the name of the specifications and the values are a dictionary with the following keys.

  • defined_in_file
  • version
  • authors
  • summary
  • description
  • platforms

Inherited options:


Show nothing.


Show the version of CocoaPods.


Show output without color.


Show more debugging information.


Show help banner of specified command.

pod ipc update-search-index

pod ipc update-search-index 

Updates the search index and prints its path to standard output. The search index is a YAML encoded dictionary where the keys are the names of the Pods and the values are a dictionary containing the following information:

  • version
  • summary
  • description
  • authors

Inherited options:


Show nothing.


Show the version of CocoaPods.


Show output without color.


Show more debugging information.


Show help banner of specified command.